A human being is the unique blend of the mortal physical body and the immortal divine soul or spirit — a constituent of God. However, it is the immortal divine soul or spirit that activates and propels the inanimate physical body. And, each human body, may it be of a saint or sinner, has a fixed earthly tenure, and on its expiry, it is declared dead and is buried or cremated to turn into dust or ashes, witnessed by those who are near and dear.
By structural appearance, all humans look alike. But appearances can be deceptive. Donning a saintly appearance, a thief may pass for a saint, and may steal your valuables. Again, a physician, in a simple attire, may pass for an ordinary person. However, when we watch him treating patients, we come to know that he is a doctor of medicine. Thus, not appearance, but one’s knowledge, is one’s real mark or true identity. This also holds good in the spiritual realm. The one, who blesses the seekers with the knowledge of the eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and formless God, is a True Master (Satguru). We also refer to such as a being as the Holy Master, Messenger or Prophet.
Let it be borne in the mind that knowledge is the sum of thoughts. And a person is what his thoughts are. Thoughts being subtle, abide and pulsate in the cosmos – not just within our mental framework. Therefore, these can be tuned into by anyone, anywhere, anytime. The spiritually evolved are highly tuned, but even the everyday person can pick up on these vibrations. Accordingly, thoughts expressed by Holy Masters, ages ago, are being conveyed through the entire cosmos. When we speak form our deepest self, we communicate these sentiments. Not only from person to person, but these spiritual thoughts are also being conveyed today through mechanical and electrical means.
There is yet another truth that needs to be clearly understood. Scriptures testify that, in ignorance, the human thinks himself to be a gross body, ignoring the fact that he is constituted of the mortal gross physical body and the immortal subtle divine spirit or soul. Bereft of the latter, the former is of no value. Therefore, realisation of the spirit or self-realisation has been pronounced as the prime purpose of human life, which can be accomplished by the grace of a contemporary True Master. To this end, God has blessed humanity with an unbroken chain of True Masters:
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and for ever.
— Bible (Hebrews 13:8)
However, unlike a worldling whose sole aim of life is the accumulation of material possessions, a True Master dedicates his entire being to human service, upliftment and salvation. He (and today She, in the form of Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji) extricates the innocent devotees from the cobweb of arduous rites and rituals, prescribed and practised in the name of religion. The Master therefore, defines what true religion is :
Shedding all illusions and delusions and worshipping God, is the eternal religion.
— Adi Granth, pp. 195-96
And that the primary purpose of human life is realisation of one’s real or spiritual self. The Master fulfils this objective by bestowing Self-realisation or God-knowledge upon the aspirants.
God-knowledge, properly understood, assimilated and lived up to, brings about a radical transformation in the life of the blessed devotee. He rises above all distinctions and discriminations of caste, colour, creed, race and nationality; high or low, rich or poor. Perceiving God equally dwelling in every human, he loves and serves all humans. Further, unlike a worldling, who is self-centred, an awakened devotee continues to discharge his domestic and social obligations, but with a sense of detached-attachment. Consequently, he is on the track of peace and harmony, service and sacrifice. He leads life of the spirit, and his motto is: Universal Brotherhood through the Fatherhood of God.
The devotees are deeply indebted to their True Master for blessing them with God-knowledge, which brought about a transformation in their life: from self-centredness to fraternal living. They ardently wish that they may always behold their True Master and listen to her words of wisdom.
However, for keeping the devotees on the spiritual track, the True Master reminds us that it is the Divine God-knowledge, not the physical body, which is the True Master. She further explains that like other humans, at the bodily level the Master too shall depart on the completion of her stipulated earthly tenure. The Master therefore enjoins devotees to always identity with Divine God-knowledge and not with her physical body.
But, owing to their unbounded dedication and devotion to and love for their True Master it is extremely hard for devotees to reconcile with the very thought of ‘losing’ their Master. The moment they think of their True Master, they behold his or her living image in all its glory. Over time, as Masters leave this physical world, their devotees continue beholding their images, as projected through portraits, idols and statues. Devotees celebrate the birthdays of their respective Masters as also key events related to their lives, with deep devotional zeal and fervour. Thus, memories of the Holy Masters are perpetuated for the coming generations to draw inspiration to live up their teachings. Yet, as per the holy teachings, for fulfilling the prime purpose of human life, one has to approach a contemporary, living Master.