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A World Without Walls-Oneness Conference

Saturday, September 12, 2015

On September 12, 2015 the Fort Lauderdale branch of the Sant Nirankari Mission was fortunate enough to host a Oneness Conference. The conference was presided by General Secretary of Sant Nirankari Mission-USA, Arun Ahluwalia Ji.

Representatives from different faith organizations were also present at the event. Chaplain Leo, from the Interfaith Chaplain-Christianity Vitas Hospice. Chaplain Leo was very impressed with the event and the theme of the event. Dr. Chander Shaykher represented the South Florida Hindu Temple. Sister Hansa is the Chapter In-Charge of the Margate Brahma Kumari Centre. Dr. Sajan Kurian represented the Florida House of Representatives. Everyone represented different religions or beliefs but they all said it is all the same. Everything teaches the same thing, which is love and oneness.

Praveen Ahluwalia Ji, Arun Ahluwalia Ji's wife, spoke more on the theme of the event. She gave an example that would help spread the word. "Women are known for gossiping. We tell one person and it spreads between so many people in such little time. Instead of spreading negativity, why can't we spread His word? When we talk to people we should talk about breaking this wall and building bridges."

After the event, the youth was able to have a Q/A session with Arun Ahluwalia Ji. The youth started off with nothing in their minds to ask but once it got started, it turned into an informative discussion with all questions answered beautifully. The youth was blessed to have Arun Ahluwalia Ji there to answer all the questions without a doubt in their minds. This helps the youth stay connected and grow their faith.

Humbly Submitted By,

Sonali Kumar