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Radio Ruhaniyat: December 16, 2017

Hole in the Boat! Be The Change!

Hello everyone and thanks for tuning in to this episode of Radio Ruhaniyat!

Every so often, we hear Mahatma Gandhi’s words: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”

We often find ourselves complaining what this world has come to. Little do we realize that we ARE the World! It is only when each and every one of us plays our part, that, we can expect this world to be what it should be. We are all humans and we all make mistakes. But it is only when we make a genuine effort to stay on track and do the right thing; that we can eventually create a world that we would like to live in. We are all so sincere towards our own homes and understand our responsibilities towards it, but we forget that this world is also our home and we need to fulfill our responsibilities towards it also with sincerity.

A man was given the task to paint a boat. He brought with him paint and brushes and began to paint the boat a bright red, as the owner asked him. While painting, he noticed that there was a small hole in the hull, and quietly repaired it. When finished painting, he received his money and left.

The next day, the owner of the boat came to the painter and presented him with a nice big check; much higher than the payment for painting.
The painter was surprised and said "You've already paid me for painting the boat Sir!"

"But this is not for the paint job. It's for repairing the hole in the boat,” said the boat owner.

"Ah! But it was such a small service... certainly it's not worth paying me such a high amount for something so insignificant" was the repairman’s response.

The boat owner then explained:
"My dear friend, you do not understand. Let me tell you what happened. When I asked you to paint the boat, I forgot to mention about the hole. When the boat dried, my kids took the boat and went on a fishing trip. They did not know that there was a hole. I was not at home at that time. When I returned and noticed they had taken the boat, I was desperate because I remembered that the boat had a hole.

Imagine my relief and joy when I saw them returning from fishing. Then, I examined the boat and found that you had repaired the hole. You see, now, what you did? You saved the life of my children! I do not have enough money to pay your 'small' good deed."

So, no matter who…when… or how... just continue to help, sustain, wipe tears, listen attentively and carefully repair all the 'leaks' you find, because you never know when one is in need of us. Don’t just do an average job to get by, always do your best because you might just end up repairing numerous 'boat holes' along the way...without realizing how many lives you've saved. Or when God holds a pleasant surprise for you to be helpful and important to someone.

This entire world is God’s one big family and God is always looking out for all His children. You never know when He chooses us to do His deeds and help out. He often uses his dedicated children as His tools and works through them to help humanity. This is called “sewa” or “Service To Humanity”.
Those of us, who take the initiative to do good deeds, start getting used by God for His divine purpose. Out in the world, it is not considered good to be used by others, but in the spiritual world, it is an honor and a blessing to be used by God to serve humanity. We are all very incapable unless we have God’s grace upon us. It is only with God’s mercy that we even get the opportunity to serve God’s children.

Let’s not forget that those we try to harm or cheat, are children of the same one God. He is watching our actions and even knows all our thoughts. What we give out to the world will eventually come back to us! What goes around comes around and as we sow, so shall we reap!
It doesn’t take much to bring a smile onto someone’s face; it might just leave an impact on someone’s mind.

All of us here at Radio Ruhaniyat want to thank everyone who repaired our boats this year in every way, like good wishes, thoughts, love, care & prayers...Thanks for listening to us for all your support!!!

-Until next time, this is Preet Sahi reminding you to Stay Spiritual!

Radio Ruhaniyat is inspired by thoughts and views from members of the Sant Nirankari Mission, along with Inspirational & Motivational speeches, posts, articles & stories. The Foundation of this program and the message being conveyed is inspired from