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Radio Ruhaniyat: January 14, 2017

God's Plan

Hello everyone and welcome to a few more words on Ruhaniyat. We often accuse God when things don’t go our way. Seldom do we realize that everything happens for a reason; a reason that is always for the better. Dr. Scott Kapoor is a doctor in the United States who works in the Emergency Room. He lost his father sometime back to a condition that could not be determined. After his father passed away,

Dr. Scott Kapoor was left with a regret that despite the fact that he is a doctor, he could neither save his own father, nor determine the cure for his condition. His father’s Sodium level was very low and his Potassium level was very high. Usually the two go hand-in-hand. They are either both low or both are high. It was very unusual for his father’s levels to be in the opposite extremes. After his dad passed away, Dr. Scott Kapoor started researching the cause and the treatment for his condition. He soon found all his answers and realized that this condition is called “Adrenal Crisis” and the treatment is a shot of Hydrocortisone.

He was working in the Emergency Room one day when a young mother was brought in. She was very confused and her cognitive capabilities seemed impaired. She could not even recognize her own husband who had come along with her. All the test results were normal and the doctor kept ordering more and more tests to determine the cause of the sudden change in her mental status. After quite some time, the nurse came in with another blood test report and said that the patients Sodium level was very low. Dr. Scott Kapoor ordered Sodium to be given to his patient via ivy. There was still no change in the young woman’s condition. More tests results came in and this time the nurse came in and said: “Her Potassium level is very high”.

Suddenly, a light bulb went on. Dr. Kapoor knew what was going on now. He immediately ordered a shot of Hydrocortisone to be administered to his patient. As soon as she got the dose, her color started coming back and she seemed to be able to comprehend. Within minutes, she recognized her husband and was back to normal.

At his age, God had already decided that it was time for Dr. Kapoor’s father to leave this world, but He gave him a mysterious condition because He wanted Dr. Kapoor to be able to cure many cases like his father’s that most likely would have gone undiagnosed. We don’t know how many more young people might get saved because of the awareness that was given to the doctor.

God runs this world in a way that is beyond imagination. His plan is perfect and how this entire world operates, is all within His command. This world is like a big puzzle and everything in it is like a piece of that puzzle. We all have a perfect role to play in this world and have been put exactly where we belong. If a particular piece of the puzzle starts to pray to God asking Him to change its position or color or direction and if God feel pressured to do it just because we said a genuine prayer, the entire puzzle gets affected and hence a hindrance is created in God’s Plan.

When we start praying to God asking Him to change things as per our desire, sometimes we upset that plan which was in put in place by God. If Dr. Scott Kapoor prayed asking to find answers for his father’s condition while he was alive, he would not have been able to take the time to do the research that he did afterwards. He would not have been able to save a young woman who was destined to live; not die. “Tera Bhana Meetha Lage”: Whatever God has in store for us, we shall accept it. God never puts anyone in a situation that one cannot handle. Every negative experience is an opportunity for internal and spiritual growth. Instead of praying and asking God why He did this to us, it might be more beneficial to ask for the strength and the wisdom to handle our circumstances in a way that He would like us to.

Every morning ask God to bless us such that every moment of that entire day goes exactly as per His will and not as per our will because we are naïve and ignorant and most likely, will goof up a situation. When every moment is spent as per His plan and His blessing, life truly will be blissful. When we learn to ACCEPT His will and begin to SURRENDER to His will, it is then that we develop a much desired state of mind: that we call: “PEACE OF MIND”.


Until next time, this is Preet Sahi reminding you to Stay Spiritual!