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It’s a million dollar question, is God SAKAR or NIRAKAR, FORM or FORMLESS ONE. To a spiritual minded it is hardly matter that to know regarding God’s physical appearance. Some believe he is a certain type. Some are absolutely sure he has particular form. Some believe in many Gods while some accept there is only one Universal God. It is easy while meditating, if a sakar of God is kept in front, in whatever form, a picture, a stone or an idol. To concentrate at the time of meditation is it easy.

One of the Rishi wrote about eighteen purans. Each puran was only dedicated to one the name of one God only and where he explained as the supreme.

I want to give an example. A small baby crawls first, then walks slowly with crooked steps, and then it walks somewhat better until finally it starts walking really well. We cannot expect the baby to start walking the day it is born. We need to allow it to take time and learn its own way. This is applied to religion and God too.

Sakar is what we can see our naked eye. i.e we need picture to believe in supreme power. “Nirakar” is what we cannot see with our naked eyes. There is no shape in which we can fix it. We don’t need picture to worship. As we are human we are always having hundreds of questions before believing or trusting any one. But to have faith on that supreme power we will have to believe and to trust without rationalising him we need support of pictures. Like a child in nursery classes a picture is shown in front of the alphabet like A for apple and the picture of apple is shown. Same is there in worshipping God we start like a small baby starting from A for apple. i.e. “Sakar” and progressing slowly there are no words or pictures needed for worshipping God i.e. “Nirakar”.

For the initial stage it is better to choose SAKAR as it is easier to focus the monkeying mind to divine experiences, we can do away SAKAR and yoke ourselves to formless. Form is like a ladder to climb to the higher floor, once we reach the floor, there is no need to ladder.

In last, God is SAKAR as well as NIRAKAR, FORM or FORMLESS ONE. He is the perfect blend of all this opposite qualities. The SAKAR form full of bliss and grace and that’s why we get attracted towards the SAKAR God. For me Mata Sawinder Hardev Ji Maharaj is my Sakar God.

Baba Hardev Singh ji Maharaj is my Nirakar God. He is always with us in NIRAKAR form. Also note sakar form is of body, blood , bones etc. The avatars like Krishna, Jesus etc. All those who told the world about God were themselves connected to God their body was the sakar form.

Bhuman Dhiman Bal Sangat (Sydney)