Sunday Sept 17, 2023 was a day of reflection and training for Sydney Sewadal. After the Sunday congregation, Rev Romy Gauba ji (Sanchalak) organised a Sewadal camp at the Sydney Centre for Oneness. Rev Navneet ji, Rev Mini ji and Rev Monika ji were instrumental in planning & executing this camp. The aim of the training was to teach new skills and refresh existing duties to better serve the congregation so that the teachings of Satguru Mata jee and the message of oneness can effectively be imbibed & passed on to humanity.
The congregation hall was flocked by dedicated 75 adult sewadal members and 18 bal sewadal members and were placed into four teams. The four teams were then led by a trainers who took their teams around the bhawan and trained them on the different areas of sewa. The training covered all aspects of sewa ranging from hall duties, set up, car park duties, langar etc.
Once the training was completed the teams participated in games which further emphasized the need to work collaboratively “shoulder to shoulder” whilst imbibing the qualities of a true devotee.
One of the many highlights of the camp was for each team to nominate a team coordinator who will work with the sewadal in-charges to ensure that all duties are managed smoothly. Four team coordinators will take the lead for the next three months and will pass on this duty to the next four team members. This will continue on a rotational basis so that everyone gets an opportunity to lead their teams & learn new skills.
Rev Devinder Singh ji (Member in-charge, Sewadal Australia) blessed the sewadal and spoke about the importance of working together. Rev Gurprit Ganda ji (Interim-Pramukh, Sydney) also blessed the sewadal and touched on the importance of the sewadal always being ready to serve not only within the congregation but also in the wider community.
The camp was a huge success and concluded on a high & positive note where all the sewadal members felt energized, ready to serve humanity & follow the commandments of Satguru Mata Sudiksha ji Maharaj.