On Sunday, 22nd October 2023, numerous volunteers of Sant Nirankari Mission, Sydney participated in a mental health walk organised by the Mental Health Foundation Australia. MHFA is a community based non-government mental health organisation which has been serving the community since 1930. Every year, this foundation organises many programs and events including walks, workshops and courses across Australia to promote better mental health of all Australians and like every other year, the volunteers from Sant Nirankari mission also became a part of this noble initiative and showcased great zeal and enthusiasm towards the cause.
More than 800 million people worldwide suffer from poor mental health making it indispensable for people to be aware about mental issues and feel supported by others in this journey for themselves or for their loved ones. This annual mental health walk provides a remarkable opportunity wherein the volunteers get a chance to show their support as well as to keep themselves physically fit in the otherwise fast paced lives that we live.
This year, the walk was organised at Nurragingy Reserve, Doonside and volunteers started the walk around 2 pm on a bright and beautiful Sunday afternoon. Although the walking track was predetermined by the organisers, but volunteers had the option to walk 3km, 5km or 10kms by doing laps of the same track. The track covered lush green fields and waterfront pathway giving everyone a vibrant scenery to admire during the walk. A high number of registrations were received before the event and 35 volunteers in total, across different age groups, took part in this walk. Wherein everyone kept encouraging each other to keep going, there were also arrangement for refreshments and cold beverages to keep everyone hydrated and energetic throughout.
This walk was a perfect opportunity for all these people to come together to raise awareness and advocate for mental health and goals. All these steps taken will surely make a positive difference in the world and make it a better place for all of us, physically, mentally and emotionally.