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Musical/Sufi Night in the presence of Rev H S Kohli ji

On Saturday 18th July the local saints of Sydney came together in the form of a musical Sufi night held at the SNM Australia's Sydney Satsang Bhawan. The evening saw many talented singers singing songs in the Sufi form praising The Lord Almighty. In addition to Sufi songs, a couple of the saints read poems displaying their devotion to the Almighty Lord and the True Master.

The Sufi night was held in the presence of Rev. H S Kohli and in his postulation Rev. Kohli highlighted the importance of staying connected to the Almighty Lord at all times, whether it be through music, poetry and by keeping the company of saints.

There was also a short question and answer session held at the end of the program for those saints seeking clarification. The event was concluded with a community meal.