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Third Nirankari Service at Interfaith Community Church, Seattle

On June 2, 2013 saints from the Sant Nirankari Mission were invited for the third time to present a congregation to the Interfaith Community Church by Ms. Karen Lindquist. Centered on the topic of 'Oneness', the congregation was presided over by Rev Rajesh Fandan from SNM Seattle (America).

The service started at 10 a.m. with a short prayer and lighting of candles by Ms. Sally Jo. Rev Jamal Rahman from Interfaith community welcomed the guests from Nirankari Mission and shared his views on Oneness. Mr. Amit Oberoi from Seattle introduced the Mission and welcomed the respected guests. Few other speakers from the Seattle Sangat were invited to share their thoughts on Oneness. The common thread between all thoughts was that a spiritually enlightened person realizes the fatherhood of God and then the brotherhood of man. The whole human society stands unified into one family - the universal brotherhood, and from this the attitude of man transforms from jealousy into cooperation, violence into non-violence and there prevails the sense of equality, liberty, fraternity and justice for mankind which in turn brings oneness for the whole of mankind.

The kids of Seattle Sangat also presented a group song which was well appreciated by all in the congregation.

Rev Rajesh Fandan while presiding the congregation delivered His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji's message in his discourse. He talked about the message of love that Baba Ji is giving to this world to make it a better place to live in. He elaborated on detachment from material world which can help shed the ego and help in peaceful coexistence.

The service ended at 11:30 a.m. with recitation of the concluding prayer (Dhuni), after which everyone proceeded to the kitchen area where local saints served community meal (Langar). During this time, saints from the Mission socialized with the local community and had useful discussions with attendees.