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Sant Nirankari Mission Participates in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

With the blessings of His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj, the members of the Sant Nirankari Mission, Seattle on Sunday October 6, 2013 participated in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. Participating saints were enthusiastic to show their support and love for the community. Saints of all ages from 4 to 70+ took part.

The American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event is more than just a breast cancer walk. It empowers people from across the country to come together one million strong - as a unified force to raise funds and awareness. Nationwide, nearly 300 Making Strides walks occur each year and each one is a powerful and inspiring opportunity to unite as a community. Through participation and helping raise awareness the American Cancer Society helps save more than 400 lives a day. Since 1993, more than 9 million walkers across the United States have raised more than $528 million.

The weather was perfect as saints gathered at 8am to get organized for the run. Saints finished the 5km walk/run with immense energy and a feeling of unified love. This noble cause was a blessing for the saints as it gave them an opportunity to do Sewa (selfless service) for the greater community. His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj has often said, "By getting you make a living. By giving you make a life." Through giving and selfless service we are able to create a life of value. Saints are always ready to serve and strive for the wellbeing of all. May Nirankar continue to bless the Seattle saints with dedication and devotion.