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Goldie Kailay, 23.03.05

Life is a struggle got its ups and downs
This journey I can only express by sound
Singing my song where do I begin
With the expensive scent and labels, I'm still sinking within
Will these grand schemes and ideologies blind my sight
It is only when I remember you, I see the light
To appreciate what I have, not what I don't have
Understand I'm living life
Working hard, succeed and achievement I will strive
But learning from failure can be my success
Sewa, simran, satsang are my gold, my true treasure chest.

Showered with your blessing, such warm love
You set me free, I fly high like a dove
Wherever I go, I always visit my nest
Only when I'm surrounded by loved ones do I feel the best
I'm strong like a soldier, with your teachings as my ammunition
All possibility I will complete with the Sant Nirankari Mission
But all great battles are won with a strong team, together
Love, Peace and Unity within the community, forever.

Understanding the gift of life and your teachings
Attending congregations listening to preachings
I have a container but the essences are greater
I found my station, on this journey, travelling to reach my destination
As passengers rush on they sit in front or behind me
I'm contemplating whether to switch seat?
No. I am happy where I am because Nirankar will always be next to me.

I have been given so much, but yet I always want more
But there's a turning point, only then I realise
Questioning, why? Maybe it's meant to be
Sometimes things don't have to rhyme
Or not to be made a song and dance about
Make no sense at all, they simply be:
'Life once lived can not be lived again'

A touch of love, I become a poet
If this was the last paper I had and no more ink, think, of Simran
Its easy to run and sink, but I have to think of Sewa
Take care of myself and surround myself in Satsang
Then I have achieved the ultimate wealth.