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Appreciation Of Life

Nirmala Devi, 10.02.09

My Guide, my teacher, shares a message of love
All is God's creation, horse, butterfly or dove

He greets everyone with a smiling face
Regardless of the hour, shines his daily grace

He sows grains of virtues and watches them grow
Then marvels at the harvest, watching nourishment overflow

He travels around the world with a simple message for all
Everyone is our own, I hope humanity hears this call

The Mission spreads far and wide to eradicate all sadness
This Truth is showered so that we may attain happiness

His words are so precious, he shares a message of compassion
Revelling in his greatness I am living with appreciation

God 's own creation is earth, water, fire and air
Respect the greatest offers and treat them all with care

Man travels the waters, to find happiness he surfs
Appreciation of life is now, when we see heaven on this earth

In times of difficulty, bind us with mankind, not matter how diverse
Appreciation of life exists even now, accept his gift of this great birth