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Fragrance of Love

Sunaina Kamal, 02.04.04

There was once a man who sold fish in his village-shop. Outside his shop he had a sign stating: 'Fish Sold Here', it was placed above the entrance, to inform all his customers.

One day a customer came into his shop and said, "Why do you have this sign 'Fish Sold Here', when everybody knows you sell fish? You really don’t need to have 'Here' on your sign."

The shopkeeper thought to himself my customer is correct, so with this advice he took down his sign and crossed out 'Here'. Then he put the sign back up.

The next day, another customer entered the shop and said, "Why do you have this sign 'Fish Sold' when everybody knows you sell fish? You really don’t need to have 'Sold' on your sign."

The shopkeeper thought to himself my customer is correct, so with this advice he took down his sign and crossed out 'Sold'. Then he put the sign back up.

A few days later another customer entered the shop and said, "Why do you have this sign 'Fish' outside your shop, when everybody knows you sell fish? Even if passer-by’s walk from a mile they will be able to smell fish."

The Avtar Bani quotes:
104:5 & 104:8
As a bud blossoms in spring flowers seeing the groove.
Similarly the Master’s sight makes disciple aglow, Avtar.

We, as human beings, should have this fragrance of peace, love and humbleness, so like a flower we can attract oneness and spread the fragrance of love and purity throughout this world.