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Shelter of Nirankar can only unfasten life from material world.

21 March 2018: To detach the soul from the materialistic world it is important to seek the shelter of Nirankar and Simran of Nirankar can only insulate the soul from material world. Above mentioned thoughts were shared by Sant Nirankari Mission's proponent Rev. Manda Bodke ji at Sector level Women's Congregation organised at Bhayander.
To avail the equal rights to woman and to channelize their time toward spirituality Nirankari Rajmata Ji requested Baba Gurbachan Singh ji for Women's Congregation . This is the plant which is now blooming and flowering in form of Women's congregation in every nook and corner.

More than 1200 saints and God lover from Dahisar, Kashimira, Penkarpada, Mira Road, Bhayander, Murdagaon actively participated in the event. Rev. Manda Bodke ji narratting a story of a person travelling in aeroplane, for whom the things on earth appears to be small said that similarly when we seek the shelter of Nirankar we rise above the material world and it's impact then decreases. Then the mind is engrossed in Simran and prays for the welfare of entire mankind.
Female saints threw light on the teachings and preachings of mission through speech, and song. The melodious verses from Avtar Bani and Hardev Bani solaced the environment. Saints also actively participated in the quiz competition organised, based on the life of Rev Jugal Kishor Ji and Bhakt Kotumal Ji. Rev. sister Reshma Gaonkar ji hosted the event.