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This Bal Satsang Workshop was organized according to the syllabus provided by Sant Nirankari Mandal, Prachar Department. Guidance for preparation of exams as well as thorough information regarding five vows (5 Pran) of Nirankari Mission and Divine Knowledge was shared with the children. This was followed by illustrating the experiences of children regarding bal satsang in front of fellow bal satsang devotees.
A competition of five basic principles (5 Pran) was organized for children below 8 years. A story telling competition was also organised just a day before this workshop wherein children of all age groups participated. This was followed by group-singing of Manglacharan, Dhuni & Sewadal Prarthana. Rev. Rupali Shinde Ji emphasized on the importance of Bal satsang & inspired children to keep Nirankar in front for every walks of life. She also guided parents to evoke the feeling of love in their children to have a life full of bliss.

Almost 170 children actively participated in this workshop. Bal satsang In-Charge and Sewadal Adhikaris were also present during the workshop thoroughly.