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The Montreal Youth

His Holiness Satguru Baba Ji's wish is that the youth come forward and take interest in the various activities of the Mission. The Montreal youth are very much inspired and motivated to fulfill Baba Ji's wish, and live according to His teachings. Of course, this would not have been possible without the Grace of Almighty Nirankar.

During Congregations, Youth actively participate in various duties. When topic is assigned each young saint shares his or her thoughts and experiences in the form of a speech, song or poem in a language of his or her choice.

The youth have been active within their community as well. They have collectively made visits to hospitals for sick children and donated toys, while empathizing with the children and uplifting their spirits. Also, the youth have organized and made donations of food and clothing to local charitable institutions.

The youth were instrumental in developing the Montreal Branch web site. The local internet team (consisting of youth saints) has taken the initiative to further build and update the web site regularly, with the help of other saints and the guidance of the Parmukh.

Satguru Baba Ji, please bless the Montreal youth to serve you with more vigour and live up to your message for us: "Focus on quality, not quantity"!