By C.L. Gulati
THIS refers to a news-item “Show God and win rupees one lac.” datelined Bhubneshwar (Orisa) published almost in every vernacular Newspaper dated 6-8-2003 at the instance of Shri Vishvanath Ramchander Champa Swapanji Tasleema Voltaire (it is all one name), President, Anti Caste Marriage One Child Family Organization of India. Having not seen God with all his intellectual experience, up to the age of 58 years, Shri Vishvanath Ramchander has shared his genuine concern with the public at large seeking enlightenment in the matter. This is not an isolated case, but, in fact, the real concern of all human beings. The apostles labored hard, the martyrs died in torment, the scholars and scientists proclaimed the beauties of higher life, the sociologists untiringly inculcated the sense of duty of a good citizen, the philosophers pioneered sublime thoughts and all agreed that God is one and that man's first duty is to realize Him. It is only with the actual knowledge of God that one can claim to be a theist in the real sense of the term. Witnessing the shocking crash of human values, both vertically and horizontally, seeing God is not the question but the only answer to the multiple hydre-headed problems defying peace, purity and prosperity of society at large.
There are references which definitely point to the prophets and sages, down the ages, who saw God and also showed Him to the seekers. Going by the historical evidence, any man, anywhere can see God any time if he submits to the contemporary preceptor (Satguru) who himself knows God and can also show Him to others without any precondition or exertion. Starting from the Vedas to the Upnishads, the Ramcharit Manas, the Geeta, the Holy Bible, the Holy Quran, the Adi Granth, which represent the mainstream of spirituality, there have always been four patent pillars in common.
1. God is one by whatever name. He is called and the primary aim of human life is to see (realize) Him.
2. God cannot be seen by any number of rites, rituals and ceremonies performed for any length of time.
3. God can be seen only with the blessings of
the contemporary preceptor (Satguru) in a matter of a few minues and just
in one sitting.
4. Realization of Fatherhood of God
spontaneously spells out universal brotherhood of mankind which forms the
of humanism.
Seekers of God behold! If someone claims that he can show God, then what is the acid test with the seeker to prove him right or wrong?
God is one, omnipresent, timeless, water cannot wet Him, weapon can't cut Him, fire cannot burn Him; He is without any colour, shape or form, to mention only a few prominent features. In the absence of actual knowledge of God, the followers of different religions are fanatically concerned with the procedure of worship rather than with whom to worship. As a result, God is different for different persons and for the same person on different occasions. Monotheism is the scriptural teaching but man has sunk into an ocean of polytheism. This communal divide has played havoc with human values and selfishness has become endemic in all walks of life. Man unto man behaves like a wolf. The mankind so divided is more dangerous than the divided atom and is becoming very difficult to deal with. Trying to live superhuman, mankind has turned to a kind of sub-humanity. If peace-based progress is the need of the hour, spiritual awakening through actual knowledge of God is the only means to achieve it.
If one can easily acknowledge the concept of one God for all, it should not be difficult to accept the idea of one religion for all, i.e. the religion of man, a religion that can suit the whole human race. The Sant Nirankari Mission has succeeded in achieving this end through the actual revelation of all-pervasive God, the same for all religions, ignoring the non-essential rites and rituals which are different in different religions, The Nirankari Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj reveals God and asserts that God-realization is the only force, that is, mortar, binding together the many-shaped bricks of human society into a coherent structure.
Sara Sansar Ek Parivar
(The whole world is one family)
True religion is only one, that is, to be one with God and treading the path of righteousness. It shows us the path of love, mercy, compassion and brotherhood, born out of spiritual awakening. Feeling the presence of God all around, not to speak of doing any wrong, one cannot even think of it. This is the distinguishing feature of a God-realized person.
Stressing the primary need of God-realization, it is emphatically laid down:
Only the knowers of God can unveil the secret of God.
Only the blessed few know Him and God remains with them for ever.
— Atharva Veda:688
Only God is creator of the entire universe. Those few who know Him enjoy eternal bliss.
— Katha Upanishad 1:2:13
O Lord, my God, there is no salvation in life without (knowing) You.
— Ramcharit Manas (Ayodhya Kand)
It is a matter of blessings for the seekers to see My real face; even gods crave to see My real self.
— Geeta 11:52
Love the Lord your God
With all your heart and with all your soul;
And with all your mind,
This is the first and greatest commandment.
— Bible (Matthew 22:37)
Lo! this your religion is one religion,
and I am your Lord, so worship me.
— The Kuran Al-Ambia (The Prophets) 21:92
O! mind, you are an image of Spirit of God; know
your real self. God is all around you, know Him by the grace of the
True Master (Satguru).
— Adi Granth, p. 441
A God-realized person sees God in all and all in God. He believes that all his assets material and mental, belong to God, and we are ordained to use them for the common good of the whole human race. This implies rising above narrow prejudices and dogmas of caste, colour, creed, etc. One, thereby, becomes tolerant towards others' style of dress, diet and culture and leads a purposeful and self-reliant family life and maintains order in the society.
Sharing my personal experience, may I submit that any person can approach the Nirankari Babaji or any of his apostles in different branches of the Nirankari Mission in India and abroad and see God on asking. The proof of the pudding lies in eating it. Anyone can verify the truthfulness of the God-knowledge bestowed by tallying it with the scriptures. Living up to it, bestows peace, bliss and happiness. With this practical experience one need not hesitate to convey to others the message of Nirankari Baba Ji:-
No God, No Peace;
Know God, Know Peace.
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