Baba Ji’s Visit to Leicester
26 August 2009
The Leicester congregation was blessed by His Holiness Baba
Hardev Singh Ji and Pujya Mata Ji on
Wednesday 26 August 2009.
After what had seemed like many years, His Holiness accompanied
by Pujya Mata Ji, Sister Mohini Ahuja Ji, Brother Sandeep Khinda
Ji and Sister Navroop Ji, came to bless the devotees of the
congregation. As soon as the announcement had been made, all the
local devotees immediately gathered to begin the preparations
for Baba Ji’s visit and worked tirelessly to welcome Him. The
Bhawan was cleaned from top to bottom, the devotees organised
the various duties needed for His Holiness’ arrival and the
devotees gathered in excited anticipation of Baba Ji.
The devotees all gathered outside of the Bhawan, despite the
rain waiting with smiles on their faces for Baba Ji to arrive.
Soon enough, His Holiness arrived and greeted all the awaiting
devotees with love and happiness. Baba Ji, Mata Ji and the
accompanying Saints were seated in the main hall and the
congregation commenced. The local devotees sang hymns expressing
their happiness and asking His Holiness’ blessings that we can
all become true saints. Many devotees from neighbouring towns as
well as invited guests also came to Leicester Bhawan to receive
blessings from Baba Ji.
Holiness spoke about keeping love and tolerance in our hearts at
all times. He reminded the congregation that we must stay linked
with almighty God constantly so that nothing in this life
negatively affects us. We are faced with many obstacles and
problems in our lives, everyone encounters them, but it is how
we react to them that defines and progresses us. If we become
agitated and upset by the smallest of instances, we will always
be unhappy in our lives. However a true saint remains calm and
positive regardless of what is happening in their lives.
Wherever they go they spread love, happiness and peace, giving
strength and comfort to all. This is what is required in the
world today and should be upheld wherever we are.
The devotees of Leicester were especially blessed on this day,
with the engagement of Brother Gurnaik Ji with Sister Samarita
Ji. Baba Ji and Mata Ji blessed the couple and both families,
conducting a short ring exchanging ceremony in front of the
congregation and the many guests and relatives that had come.
Later that evening the local youth performed a play in front of
His Holiness based on the film “Slumdog Millionaire” where the
young contestant was a devotee and used his knowledge of the
principles of the Mission to answer the questions. Baba Ji and
Mata Ji and the rest of the congregation enjoyed the play and
gave the local youth many blessings to continue to keep the
light of Truth in their hearts.
After resting for the night at the Bhawan, Baba Ji gave His
final blessings to the devotees on Thursday morning before
departing to Birmingham. The local devotees, although tired from
the preparations and the excitement of Baba Ji’s visit, all felt
spiritually uplifted, reinvigorated to continue to spread the
word of the Mission and love to all.
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