Do you know that frequent anger might raise our risk health issues significantly? If this is so, why would we continue to blow off steam by yelling or taking stress?
The framework for stress management for building necessary skills was provided by Sant Nirankari mission. With the blessings of His Holiness Youth session was conducted in Houston Texas in presence of Rev Arun Ahluwaliaji in India House on April 12, 2014. The session began with a small power point presentation and discussion. An activity of squeezing ball was done to know the causes of stress .Students came up with the stress busters like breaking the procrastination habit , getting it done and learning to take ownership proactively.
The audience was asked to pen their opinions on note cards .Some students shared their feelings they go through, the feeling of unknown, intense pressure to obtain high grades in connection with career aspirations. Young saint shobhit shared his learning experiences. He said that stress can be managed if we learn to manage time well, and most importantly to have that feeling of letting it go when things don’t go our way. Doctor Rachna Bhala talked about learn to manage stress and prevent health problems. She also emphasized that the stress symptoms can affect our body, our thoughts and feelings, and behavior. A counselor from Austin Texas, Rebecca Murillo did a small presentation which talked about therapy of breathing techniques, and exercises to raise the awareness of sensations in your body, which can help identify and release the stress. Our key note speaker, Respected Arun Ahluwaliaji gave the final words of wisdom. In the gist, Rev Arun Ahluwalia Ji said stress begins at a very early age in human life. If you take away a toy from a child he will start crying as he is stressed about not having it anymore. Stress is normal reaction of our body in response to things that do not go our way. Spirituality empowers every living being to break free from the shackles of the mind and the limitations of the small self (ego), to connect to nature or a Supreme being, to manifest our True Self by building trust and respect. With the realization of God, the fear of unknown or self doubt goes away. God realization builds our faith and makes us strong. Spirituality means knowing one's self, having a sense of purpose in life. Due to the support system of spirituality system , stress can have a positive effect, providing alertness and stimulation to cope with challenges. Does spirituality help in releasing stress? Once we are connected with higher power, we feel part of greater whole, we realize that we aren't responsible for everything that happens in life.
His Holiness Baba Hardevesinghji has high hopes with youth. He believes if youth takes responsibility, they can create milestones. Spirituality plays a major role in building relationship and mutual trust. Lastly there was a question answer session and Youth was energized with lofty thoughts gathered in the session. There was a meditation techniques for 3 min which helped to activate the relaxation response. This meeting was attended by almost 60 people including high school and college students. At the end of the session, students filled out the survey to express their views about the session. They were provided folders with mission's literature and certificates for the credit. This session was coordinated by sister Sheelu Keswani of SNM.