Why do we say that community service is important to us? Does it make a difference in lives? Yes it does!
It provides eye opening experiences. It is rightly said, Community service is helping people, but also gaining an understanding about each other and a sense of human compassion. With the blessings of His Holiness Baba Hardev Singh Ji Maharaj members of the Sant Nirankari Mission, Houston Branch provided Volunteer services in collaboration with Sewa International and IB SINA.
Our Volunteers also supported Gulf coast and ICAN bone marrow drive.
Saints of Sant Nirnakari Mission Houston generously contributed groceries, clothes, and other necessities for our Bhutanese brothers and sisters who have been given accommodation and some help by the Government in Houston, Texas. There are about 700 Bhutanese refugee brethren living in southern Houston. Volunteers of our Mission distributed the items to them on November16, 2013. We were inspired by almost 200 of their members around their apartments who greeted us with so much of love and respect probably to thank us for what we brought for them. There were other agencies i.e. Sewa International, Hindu Prishad and others who were doing spectacular things for the community by organizing free Dental Camp and Flu shots for these refugees. The Bhutanese were happy to get these services as they have seen many hardships. Looking at them, we realized how pevilaged and blessed we are. Even small deeds can make a difference and bring smile for someone, and reflect happiness to us for serving the humanity.
His Holiness has always inspired us to do these services. He says,"Man should contribute to raise the standard of humanity and the status of mankind to make the human existence more meaningful". Houston Texas family of saints has been frequently participating in these activities. Saints have also shown their enthusiasm in contributing the food and clothes needed in future too. Respected Bhalaji was interviewed by Sewa International USA for the SNM services. During his interview, Rev Bhalaji expressed his happiness for being a part of this golden moment. He also stated the essence of our Mission and the teachings of His Holiness Baba Hardev Singhji Maharaj for the services to humanity. Let's try to be a compassionate soul as someone in the community may need you. Our Holiness has given us a gift. The need is to unlock that gift and utilize it!
The environment was blissful and it reminded about the message of the holy beings to imbibe values which man has forgotten. Refugees were thankful and this community work touched our souls.
Nirankari Mission, a great spiritual movement made an excellent attempt in capturing the emotions of love and care by collaborating with other organizations for the community services.
May Lord Master bless us for the continuity in future!