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Publication Booth

IRCC's 9th Annual Diwali Mela

Indian Regional Cultural Center organized their 9th annual Diwali program and each year the event is bigger than the previous one. It was organized at the Broward County convention Center, which is a 110,000 square foot facility and approximately 10K people attended the event. Attendees included a huge number from the American culture as well.

The success of the SNM booth was heavily related to the fact that saints came in from New York and Washington DC to help put the booth together. Satguru Mataji’s message was conveyed to visitors with a positive impact. Saints from New York helped in every aspect which involved putting together all the supplies needed, setting up, media sewa and talking to all the visitors with a divine impact.

The Cleanliness drive ended with a vegetarian barbeque, games and music. Students were given volunteer hours and certificates were given to those who requested them. The event included a non-stop Cultural program that went on all day long and many vendors showcased their merchandise. Video coverage of the booth for News Divine was also done. Many city officials and dignitaries attended the program and stopped by at the SNM booth as well. The Mission’s ideology was introduced to them.

The Mission’s booth was located in a section specifically for Non-Profit Organizations and hence the awareness of SNM’s existence as an NGO was also established. The mission’s members contributed towards the event by reciprocated with emceeing services on stage and hence the SNM booth was free at no charge.

 Two other families also approached the booth and said that they belong to the mission and did not know about the local chapter. They said that they’ll try to attend the Sangats whenever they can. Two more families approached the booth and did Dhan Nirankar to the local saints saying that they were visiting the area and were very happy and felt blessed to have found Nirankari saints during their visit.
The local Gurudwara also had a booth across the SNM booth at the event. They approached the SNM booth and invited the Mukhi to represent the Sant Nirankari Mission at their next interfaith event.
The IRCC booth was a huge success and left a positive impact on many. The fact that the local community became aware of SNM presence in the area was a much-needed effort. Contact information for all those who showed an interest was taken and a follow up will be done to encourage them to participate in SNM initiatives.
We sincerely thank Her Holiness Satguru Mata Sudiksha ji Maharaj for blessing us with the opportunity to serve the local community with SNM’s divine message.