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Nirankar, The Satguru

Indi Sidhu, 01.06.05

Nirankar a Indian name for given to the supreme entity which is the source of all existing entities meaning ‘Formless God’ All scriptures and testimonies of those personal who knew this entity and experienced it throughout their lives expressed their views to the world with the intent that others too may experience the same. 


When creating this world and the environment God made it so that he too participates within it at every moment while it exists. One such part, is that this entity takes on a physical appearance with the intent to communicate with the spiritual beings that are en-tramped within a physical form e.g. the human being. 

When creating the world God made the human being in his own image. In that he put within the human the capabilities that god himself has. In doing so with the intent that the human may be able to express these qualities through a physical sense, as well as having the ultimate spiritual awareness of itself.


Like wise God also takes on a human form to communicate with humans in the world. This human form has the title of True Master or Satguru.  In order to understand this one needs to understand that one has merely been given the human body in order to communicate and that entity within it is not physical. This knowing is the most highest and secretive piece of information that the individual can obtain.  And this is done through the True Master, Satguru.


These two terms True Master, Satguru, need to be clarified a bit more before moving on.  True Master defined would mean the: Master - ‘A person who commands or controls’ – The Chambers Dictionary.  And the term ‘True’ can be defined as ‘In accordance to fact or reality’ ‘Genuine’ – The Concise Oxford Dictionary This term ‘True’ may seem slightly ambiguous as the question then asked is what is reality? This to is termed in the same dictionary as ‘Actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact’


So the True Master can be defines as ‘Someone who commands and is in control of a thing which is actually existing’. The Satguru is again defined as ‘Sat’ truth and ‘Guru’ meaning ‘gu’ darkness ‘ru’ light guru from this it is someone who makes an individual realise this truth thus changing their intellect from not knowing or being in the ‘dark’ to being ‘enlightened’ knowing something. This knowing awareness of the ‘genuine existing thing’ is the uttermost awareness one can have. 


When one is enlightened by the True Master one realises’ at the same time that they too are in reality made of or are a composition of the same being.


One such classic example which can be used is that of Lord Jesus Christ. The name of this personage was Jesus he was know to be the True Master of the time he was in the human form the knowledge that he departed to individuals was at that time was of the truth GOD.  Jesus Christ revealed this ultimate truth that is why we here even today that people say in the name of Christ. When this is said two interpretations are made firstly, where by people may think the Christ being the name.  Secondly the name was something which belonged to Christ as it say In the NAME of Christ.  Lets ponder on this little more… the name was something that Lord Christ possessed the question then is what is this NAME the word name needs to be defined. Which it is in the very same Bible and that is.. In the beginning was the NAME and the Name was GOD’.  So putting this into prospective the NAME was GOD which Christ revealed. Christ revealed GOD he showed GOD the ‘Truth’   thus he was the True Master of the time.


Like wise in the ‘Adi Granth’  it says Nam Tere Nirankar He Nam Lehye Narak Na Jaheye’. ‘Your name is Nirankar (Formless God) let us obtain you, have you and let us not go to hell’.  Here as well it is important that we grasp the meaning of this sentence the word ‘Lehye means to ‘have’ not ‘Kehye’ which mean to ‘say’ it means to have god obtain god not in the sense to say god’s name. If by merely reciting god’s name one would obtain salvation or freedom from the cycle of birth and death then many people would have been redeemed by now.


The True Master reveals this truth in every day and age just as there has been teachers master of subject of the world e.g. Math teachers like wise there has been and is a master of truth. Just as knowledge of other subjects has been passed down in every day and age from one generation to the next the same is with this knowledge of the ‘Truth’.


The aim if anything is to seek the Truth Master of the present day and request from him submissively to reveal the Truth GOD.. and then to take this truth and place it in our temples. The best temple that god has given Man is his MIND by placing god there right at the front and then to cherish it and worship it with full Love, devotion and dedication from within our hearts. One will not only be pleasant here after but also be pleasant while on earth in the human form. Then one will realize that one is a  not a human being trying to enjoy the spiritual bliss but rather that they are a spiritual being who is enjoying the human bliss.