The Boston sangat was very delighted to have Rev.
Sanjeev Powari ji come and bless the sangat. Throughout the weekend, there
was so much learning that the saints, especially the youth, were able to
enjoy. The Sangat quickly took a common theme, which can be summarized by
the quote “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born
and the day you find out why.” We were all born, but many never come to know
why they have taken birth on this Earth. Sanjeev Powari ji conveyed this
message in a very beautiful way. He explained that the goal of this human
life is to meet the True Master who gives you “brahm gyan” or God Knowledge
and in turn introduces you to the formless Nirankar.
Many saints also explained the topic in their own
unique way. Rev. Tushar ji gave the example of a microorganism and how in
its 24-hour life span, it manages to be born, become mature, reproduce and
finally die. He further explained that the micro-organism does the same
things Humans do in so many years. Therefore, what is the meaning of being
on this earth for so long? Another example given in sangat was of Swami
Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda, read in the Holy Scriptures that an
Enlightened Saint or True Master can introduce you to God and help you
achieve salvation. When he read this, he traveled day in night in search of
the True Master, and rejected any so-called Guru that said that God can’t be
seen without performing rituals.
Finally, he met Ravidas ji, who gave him the the precious Brahm gyan
that the Sant Nirankari Mission gives today.
Rev Sanjeev Ji starts off his Holy Discourse with the
example that the bow and arrow thinks that it kills Raavan, however, it’s
actually Ram who kills Raavan. Sometimes as humans we think we are the
doers, however, an enlightened soul knows that it is God who is the doer.
And when we get this God Knowledge from the True Master, all types of
misconceptions and hatred go away. Powari ji goes on to say that the
religious scriptures that are written are scripted by the Lord himself
because the writer is in a state where he is Enlightened. And that’s the
reason for all of this hatred in the name nof religion today, because in
order to fully understand it, one needs to be Enlightened. He quoted the
Bible which says “God made man in His own image,” and that means that he
made us all with an equal vision, for loving one another.
In conclusion, Powari ji taught all of us that the
meaning of life is for humans to attain this God knowledge and then follow
the words of the Satguru. This will create harmony in the world and will be
a definite path for world peace. We thank His Holiness for all the learning
and the Boston Sadh Sangat is looking forward to Rev. Sanjeev Powari Ji’s
next visit.