We were blessed with the presence of Rev. Datta Korde ji and family, along with many other mahapurush from New Jersey, on Sunday June 28th, 2015. There was a large turnout and a vibrant spiritual environment! The topic of the day was World Without Walls, the same topic as that for the Calgary Youth Samagam, and there was a palpable excitement in the air.
Tushar Sangale ji (secretary) initiated satsang proceedings with saying that we must know God before our prayers are meaningful. If we don’t know God, how can our prayers have any meaning? Aaron Makhijani touched on the topic of oneness and mentioned that oneness isn’t just accepting we live together as different people (Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Black, white, etc)… oneness is accepting that we are the SAME. We are human. So then why are fellow human beings killing each other? “The goal looks far away but don’t lose faith in the mission and keep doing the right things,” Aaron ji concluded.
Several other saints received blessings in the form of melodious geets, including Shital ji (and sister), Neena ji, and Padmaja ji. Viraj Tyagi ji made the point that as kids we have no walls. “When we are young, we are innocent, our hearts are open and there are no walls. As we get older, and we experience emotions like jealousy, hate, anger, we start putting bricks in front of us building walls between each other. The glue that holds that wall together is ego.” Viraj ji concluded by saying that this mission is like a wind of love that can knock that wall down and the bricks can be used to build bridges, instead, and this time the glue that holds the bricks together is love. Tushar ji added that it’s up to us to unite people or divide people, to either build bridges or walls.
It was also mentioned that practice is important. We don’t become experts in spirituality instantly, but it takes practice. Just like it takes practice in sports to perform well, spirituality takes practice as well. Walls in your mind should fall – it’s a beautiful world when you start breaking these walls in your mind, Bimla Tyagi ji added. Namrata Shringare ji mentioned that if we stay with saints and in the company of saints, we will become better saints, but if we stay in the company of the less desirable, we will just create more walls.
Sandeep ji continued the spiritual dialogue by mentioning that if we believe all of us are a creation of God, all the walls disappear. Our sole purpose is to realize and understand the Satguru that gave life to us. Kenny ji added that if walls disappear then everything comes to light. “Typically we go behind closed doors, behind walls and argue. When there are no walls, we are completely bare and all of our faults come to light.” We must improve ourselves as we break down the walls, he concluded. Rev. Tyagi ji said we are lucky that this year Babaji is visiting so many centers, and that he has given us a “bucket of roses” with his USA tour. Let us honor him by doing what Babaji says and breaking down the walls.
Rev Datta Korde ji provided very insightful and impactful words during vichaar. “When we look at people based on physical appearance we build a wall. Even when we base it on the intellectual, we build a wall. So how do we break this wall?” Datta ji asked. He provided a personal example saying that at first he didn’t want to go to sangat because he thought satsang and the Mission pulled you away from God but when he joined sangat he saw that there were no walls because people from EVERYWHERE came to sangat…Marathis, Sindhis, Punjabis, etc.
There were no cultural or religious or geographic walls. Datta ji added that we should take gyan as many times as it takes to understand it; there is no shame in that. “Separating yourself and your ‘mann’ is important. Surrender your mind. Our brain is the biggest blessing but also the biggest problem because we can’t control our mind. If you surrender your mind to God, it’s no longer yours to control.” Datta ji gave an example of a guy who was racist but he was trapped on an island. After some days once some one came to save him all the boundaries were gone…It didn’t matter that the person who saved him was black, white, or brown. So when there is a need we forget all boundaries. Why do we wait until there is a need? He also said that everyone adores a hero but no one wants to be a hero. Babaji himself is living that life, and is our hero.
Datta ji ended by saying you don’t have to be perfect to be on the spiritual path. You just have to practice and come to sangat. Don’t stay on the sidelines!
It was a blissful visit from Datta ji and family, along with other saints from New Jersey. Boston was lucky to receive such wonderful blessings. By the grace of our Satguru, may we take what we learned in sangat and implement it into our lives.
Contributors to report: Kapil Suryawanshi ji, Kenny Tib ji, Kunal Girdhar ji, Viraj Tyagi ji