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Human - God's Creation

by Avinash Kumar

Today human nature is full of corruption
Wealth, comfort and luxury acquisition
Becoming his major occupation
Hatred, disrespect, dishonesty are his routine conduction
However, human being do not understand
These wrong things leading him to demotion

We are getting away from our real destination
Because we are making unworthy decision
By doing nothing we expect promotion
OR if we do something, we demand distinction

Human being must understand
Its aim and ambition
Love n' peace are its mandatory dimension
Irrespective of color, caste, any religion
We all are GOD creation

What is GOD, Who is GOD?
This pure and essential divine transmission
is taught in our Nirankari Mission
which is free of cost, full of profit with no loss

We live here under Baba Hardev's jurisdiction
By attending regular congregation
We offer our gratitude & appreciate his discretion
We pray for human being's progress
And say good-bye to discrimination