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Radio Ruhaniyat: May 19, 2018

The Purpose of Life!

Hello everyone and thanks for joining us for this week’s episode on Radio Ruhaniyat!

We live the daily rut of life with an intense urge to succeed in our material world.
We start our mornings with a list of everything we need to achieve that day. From taking care of our kids, spouses and homes, to running errands and trying to accomplish as much as we can at work. We finish our day realizing that time just flew by and we still have so much to do. We go to sleep with the anticipation that tomorrow will be a better day. The next day, we start the same exact routine and we end it the same exact way.

Time just slips away before we know it and one day we’ll breathe our last and leave behind everything that we had worked for, our entire life. Then what was the purpose of accumulating everything if we were to abandon everything in the end? Is this why we really came into this world? Is this really the purpose of life?

The purpose of life is not to accumulate wealth and achieve success in the career world. Our materialistic world is merely a means to provide for us while we focus on living the purpose of our lives. Alexandra the great had aimed to conquer the world and had achieved so much in his life. Yet when he died, he asked that his hands be left seen outside his coffin during the funeral procession so that the world can see that when he left this world, he was empty handed. No amount of money could save him from death and the best of doctors could not cure him.

Life is like an ocean and we are like a boat in that ocean. Our goal is to reach the other side of the ocean. The water in the ocean represents Materialism. We need the water to help us reach our goal but if there is a hole in the boat, then that same water will enter the boat and drown us. We need the materialism to help us reach our goal but if materialism enters us, then we will drown in the ocean of life. We can only use materialism as our means to help us reach our goal, but we cannot make it our goal.

Our body belongs to Materialism and our soul belongs to Spiritualism. We focus on the body and have an obligation to take good care of it because it is where our soul resides. But we are not this body. Our identity is this Soul. Someone has very beautifully said that “We are not Human Beings having a Spiritual experience, we are Spiritual Beings having a Human experience”.

So what really is the purpose of life? The purpose of life is to know God and hence know who you really are. “Self-Realization through God-Realization”! Once we understand this, we start identifying ourselves as the Soul and not as the Body. We learn to look past the body and start realizing that God dwells in every soul. The very perspective of why we are here in this world gets clarified when we know God. The Bible says “Know God you Worship”. God can be achieved and yes He can be known. When we are dedicated and devoted enough to make God a priority, then Spirituality becomes our prime focus. If we take one step towards God, He will take 10 steps towards us and will make divinity happen for us. Those who live in His divine name, always have peace within them no matter what their circumstances. Nothing bothers them and they fear no one.

Those who live in the awareness of God gradually attain all the virtues needed to live in peace and contentment. The negativities and hardships of life don’t seem to be a big deal at all because they understand that the materialistic aspects of life are superficial. They find solace and bliss in divinity and hence focus on what is eternal.

Getting to know God or achieving God enables the soul to be one with the Super-soul (God). Just like a drop of water, when mixed with the ocean, cannot be separated, the same way our soul merges and becomes one with the Almighty. This state of holy union of the soul with the super-soul is called Mukti or Moksha. It is also called Nirvana or Salvation: a state of liberation of the soul from the cycles of births and rebirths.

Life is short and it is very important to make the best of it. All the moments spent in spirituality are the stepping-stones towards liberation for the soul. What we take along with us when we die; is our spiritual knowledge. Everything else stays behind. Spirituality is like an investment. Every moment spent with God is like an installment paid towards that investment. More installments we pay, sooner we accomplish our goals. Life is complete when we find ourselves in Peace and peace is established only when we are in unison with God. There can be no peace without God!

-Until next time, this is Preet Sahi reminding you to Stay Spiritual!

Radio Ruhaniyat is inspired by thoughts and views from members of the Sant Nirankari Mission, along with Inspirational & Motivational speeches, posts, articles & stories. The Foundation of this program and the message being conveyed is inspired from